As part of The F Club series on inspiring women we sit own with Midult co-founder Emilie McMeekan. We love to meet sympatico ladies with serious sass and style, intelligence and humour. Respect.
Name: Emilie McMeekan
Job title: Co-founder of The Midult with Annabel Rivkin
What does your typical work day looks like?
I don’t have a typical work day – we could be chained to our desks and each other all day or scattered all over London at meetings. I am generally on the phone to my co-founder Annabel Rivkin first and last thing.
What do you enjoy most about your job?
Building something, providing a platform for women that doesn’t exist elsewhere, creating a counter-proposal to every thing else around for grown-up women. It’s a thrill.
What has been your biggest professional achievement?
Nine months in we are reaching 100,000 people a month – that feels pretty good
Mentors: I have been really lucky to work with some amazing editors: Jane Procter and Kate Reardon at Tatler, Jackie Annesley, Charlotte Ross and Sarah Sands at the Evening Standard
What is the best piece of business advice you have been given?
Just do it
Looking back on your career now, what do you wish you had known?
That things/careers don’t necessarily go in a straight line and that’s ok.
What is the trait you most dislike in others and the one you most value?
I like to work with people who are hard-working, nice and funny – basically don’t be a dick.
What is the trait you most dislike in yourself at work?
Hard to answer: Sometimes I pussy-foot around situations. Basically I don’t relish confrontation.
What has been your biggest career challenge?
Setting up The Midult – I feel extremely lucky to not be doing it on my own
If you could name one, what is your top tip for professional success be ?
Aside from don’t be a dick? Be open to all opportunities: you never know what is around the corner.
What do you do to wind down?
HA! I wish I was better at it. But I love to swim, and I try and read every night.
Do also check out their weekly Midult column for Sasha Slater at the Saturday Telegraph magazine.
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