Are you unsure how to use Instagram for your marketing during the pandemic crisis? I’ve put together some ideas to help you make with an effective & sensitive strategy during this very difficult time.
Instagram is more key than ever for business. Social media usage has grown by 40% since the Covid pandemic with Instagram and Facebook lives doubling in a week. But the landscape is very different and is ever evolving so what should businesses and influencers be doing on social media right now?
It’s not the time to stay quiet
Your followers are spending more time online than they ever have before. There’s an opportunity to cement your relationships and build empathy with your brand. Getting the right message is key. Be conscious of the raised anxiety levels of your audience.
What is the right tone?
Be real and authentic. We are all getting accustomed to the ‘new-normal’ and Covid-19 is not going away. Let your followers in. Acknowledge that everyone is feeling down now and tap into the mood. It can be anything from sharing your coping strategies and the challenging we are all facing.
Empathy is key
Remember that everyone is being affected by COVID-19 in different ways. Be mindful and think outside your own situation. It’s easy to be misinterpreted by people facing a different reality so be considerate with your tone. Many people have lost jobs, loved ones or trying to work and home-school at the same time. Look into how you are feeling right now and be the voice you’d like to hear.
Give back with good content
Give you audience great content which provides value. Focus on this rather than driving traffic or sales. What can you offer in terms of education? Share & support through videos and the caption. Team up with experts and like-minded brands for Instagram Lives or offer some fun and light-hearted release. Share your expertise on Instagram live or using the Instagram carousel.
Ask for support
If you are struggling as a business reach out and ask for help. We are all in this together and its fine to lean on your community and show your vulnerable side. Share your story and tell your followers how they can help. Instagram is a give & receive community with #bekind at the forefront of today’s mood during this unprecedented time.
So, who is doing it well?
As an active user on Instagram I’ve been really enjoying so many accounts now and wanted to flag up a few of my favourites that have captured the mood and are successfully building their businesses and profile.
- Engaging with the community– goes to Kat Farmer, Does My Bum Look 40. She is a master of this, and her content and Insta-lives are super fun and inclusive while being informative across fashion & beauty tips during lock-down.
- How to build your Instagram community – when the fashion sales business @the_brand_ambassadors_agency launched the new hashtag #dressupfriday at the start of the pandemic it was quickly embraced by fashion influencers who have embraced this positive feel good Friday energy sharing pictures of fabulous frocks to elevate the mood.
- Best for Insta Lives – This goes to @getthegloss who have launched a series of Insta Lives – from yoga & fitness to beauty treatments. Also I am working with them on their hashtag #GTGQuarantips asking everyone to share the tips on staying sane which they share on their IG stories
- Adapting to the new-normal – Colourists specialist and hairdresser Josh Wood, launched a free on-line hair colour consultation for everyone struggling with their roots coming through. It cleverly offers everyone free, personal expertise, giving back to their customers while at the same time driving sales to their hair colouring products.
- Giving back – Smoothie pioneers, Innocent have mastered the current mood and what their audience appreciates with an entertaining Instagram feed full of crosswords, puzzles and quirky guides on how to navigate the new normal.
That’s it from me for now. I hope you enjoyed it and do get in touch for any advice. You can join me on Thursday 30th April for an instagram live with the Lone Design Club at 5pm. See all the details here. I am now doing Instagram Master Class training via Zoom so if you’d like a one on one class drop me an email
Bye for now
Love Marie Louise x
PS – you can see more about the Instagram Master Classes here
Write a stand out Instagram bio for your fashion brand | Instagram Training
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